lunes, 26 de junio de 2017

Colombian Green Coffee Beans: The Quality behind Them

The green coffee beans from Colombia have a high demand from several countries, the US included.

There are products in the market that are immediately associated with brands and companies, such as Coca-Cola, Subway, Colgate, and Apple. These are examples of brands that you can easily relate to, just to name a few. This brand-product correlation doesn't appear to be related to the raw material throughout the world and the countries that export these, but in reality, it turns out there is a relation in there too.
In this case, it’s not about a brand or company, but countries and the products they export. If you’re a part of the industry, you must be familiar with the popularity individual countries have with raw products like sugar, grains, and coffee.
Colombia is the living example of excellence in the exporting of coffee beans. The coffee beans produced are well balanced, with a gentle but strong flavor, giving the coffee a different taste compared to beans cultivated in other countries.

The Coffee Beans

The quality of the coffee beans resides in the taste, which stands out above most exporters worldwide. The taste of the Colombian green coffee beans is a combination of a soft acidity and a strong caramel sweet flavor. This flavor is recognizable and distinguished for North Americans. It’s hard for them not to tell they’re having a taste of the Colombian Coffee.
It doesn’t come as a surprise that the average production of coffee annually rounds up to 11.5 million bags, placing it third in coffee production countries (just after Brazil and Vietnam).
There's even a is a fictional character used in the marketing campaigns of the National Federation of Coffee Growers in Colombia. The main reason for the creation of this character was to differentiate Colombian coffee from coffee blends with beans of other countries. This character became a marketing success, as it represents Colombian Coffee in the world.
The only secret behind the production of this coffee is the hard work farmers put into the extraction of the coffee beans; they work to ensure the quality is up to the demands of consumers worldwide. Are you interested in Colombian Coffee just like I am? If your answer is affirmative, Coagro can help you with that. They import Colombian coffee beans into the United States and many other raw products; all you have to do is contact them, and you’ll have them.
Colombian green coffee beans are one of the top selling products.

Facebook: Coagrocorp
Twitter: CoagroCorp
Instagram: Coagrocorp

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