The extraction and milk processing comprises several steps until it reaches the industry. |
One of the most important agricultural products in the market is milk. This animal-origin component is fundamental for many elements in the market. The significant impact this has on the economy is palpable: many companies take on the more traditional aspects of the production to impulse their economic growth. They benefit from the origin of the milk and make sure to make the product hit the shelves processed to keep its quality and flavor. But how is this done? Coagro Corp is here to let you know!
The production of milk is a process with various steps that vary according to the company that produces it. But generally, it’s comprised of the following:
Rearing: The cows are raised and taken care of according to the company policies. Some of them prefer the cows to roam free over the expanse of the farm, eating grass and complementing its nourishment with vitamins and nutrients provided by farmers. Others are held in quarters, where they are fed a combination of hay, silage, and extra nutrients. This will vary according to the specific style of the farm where they are raised.
Milking: Frequently, this process is done twice a day: in the morning and the late afternoon. At this time, it’s often more likely to find the udders full of milk. In modern times, this process is done through machinery that takes between 3 to 5 minutes per cow. The machines are based on a vacuum and pressure method, very similar to the one a calf’s mouth would do while feeding.
Storage: Once milked, the product goes straight into a sealed container. These silos keep the milk at 3°C, or lower, to prevent spoiling it. This process is done to storage for short periods of time, and the product inside is permanently stirred to avoid separation of fat solids from liquid in the milk.
Processing: This process is comprised of two main steps: testing and treatment. Lab personnel does the first part: they check the quality of the milk and decide if it’s apt for consumption based on temperature, bacterial count, protein and milk cells. After the milk is approved, it goes to the processing area, where pasteurization and other methods are used to ensure quality and safety of consumption. The High-Temperature-Short-Time method (HTST) raises the temperature to 72°C for 15 seconds to kill nocive bacteria, while the Low-Temperature-Long-Time (LTLT) methods pasteurize the milk at 63°C over the span of 30 minutes. After that, homogenization and separation is done according to the desired product, making whole milk (3.25% of fat), low fat (1%) and skim milk (0.05%).
After this process, the milk is used to make several dairy products that are consumed in the majority of households. These are mainly made by processing the product in different methods to ensure the quality and density characteristics to remain perfect throughout production. Cream and butter are the most essential dairy products, matched by cheese, yogurt and powder milk. Along in the list, whey protein and casein, but these are not as commonly consumed or related to the milk industry as the others.
For this whole process to happen, there’s something that people need to do: acquire the best materials. Coagro Corp makes sure to bring the right milk so you can make the products you want to make with a high-quality standard. Work with professionals to get the right milk for your company. Check Coagro Corp’s website and social media to know the other products they can import for you!
This food processing technology sterilizes milk in almost 2 seconds. |
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